Become a English Oak Tree

Ash Infusions: Up to 8 infusions

Origin: Native to Europe

Size : Extra Large

Colours : Dark Green

Season : Winter

Lifespan : 150 to 200 years

Noble, strong, and intuitive, the English Oak puts on a show throughout the autumn as their lobed leaves turn gorgeous reds and yellows.

The Oak is universally recognised as the iconic “Tree of life” symbolising longevity, wisdom and strength.

•Oaks produce acorns, which are nut-like fruits that develop in the fall.

•The oak tree is a symbol of strength and endurance.

•Its majestic appearance, longevity, and ecological importance make it a cherished addition to any landscape. *They typcially live for 300-500 years but are known to live for over 1,000 years.

  • Ash treatment to allow your tree to thrive as a continuation of energy from ashes

  • Multiple ashes can go into the same tree over time to create a living family tree

  • Custom bronze memorial plaque

  • Your chosen tree in your chosen location

  • Care of your tree and maintenance of the gardens in perpetuity

  • Up to 4 hours of memorial planning with a dedicated Legacy Planner

  • Tree Memorial ceremony conducted by our in-house celebrant

  • Life celebration including catering. (First 15 guests free of charge)

  • Payment Plan options available.

  • No ongoing fees or hidden charges.

The English Oak puts on a show throughout the autumn as their lobed leaves turn gorgeous reds and yellows.

They typically grow to a height of 50 to 100 feet (15 to 30 meters)

People often choose Mornington Green over traditional cemeteries or urn memorials for its eco-friendly approach and the opportunity to create a growing, living memorial in a beautiful, welcoming environment that celebrates life and contributes positively to the earth.

  • Cheaper than traditional resting places
  • No hidden or ongoing costs
  • Creates a positive environmental impact
  • 365 days a year access to the gardens
  • Gives your family a place to connect to something beautiful in your memory
  • Unlike cemeteries where pets are banned, pets are welcome here. Just as your pet brought joy to your world it can continue to be by your side bringing life and joy to visitors through nature.

Mornington Green Legacy Gardens offers a unique final resting place steeped in nature by transforming cremated ashes into nourishing elements for memorial trees within a protected botanical garden.

Yes pre-planting is available.

By choosing your tree now, you can help relieve the financial and emotional stress for those left behind.

Ash Infusions: Up to 8 infusions

Size : Extra Large

Colours : Dark Green

Season : Winter

Lifespan : 150 to 200 years

  • Ash treatment to allow your tree to thrive as a continuation of energy from ashes
  • Multiple ashes can go into the same tree over time to create a living family tree
  • Custom bronze memorial plaque
  • Your chosen tree in your chosen location
  • Care of your tree and maintenance of the gardens in perpetuity
  • Memorial ceremony & life celebration with catering for the first 15 guests
Noble, strong, and intuitive, the English Oak puts on a show throughout the autumn as their lobed leaves turn gorgeous reds and yellows. Depending on where they are planted, they can attract small animals like squirrels or even deer.
Origin: United Kingdom
Maintenance: English Oaks like full sun exposure and moist soil. It doesn’t need much pruning, and will naturally develop its iconic shape. Does it Bear Fruit: English Oaks produce small acorns.
Grows 20m

People often choose Mornington Green over traditional cemeteries or urn memorials for its eco-friendly approach and the opportunity to create a growing, living memorial in a beautiful, welcoming environment that celebrates life and contributes positively to the earth.

  • Cheaper than traditional resting places
  • No hidden or ongoing costs
  • Creates a positive environmental impact
  • 365 days a year access to the gardens
  • Gives your family a place to connect to something beautiful in your memory
  • Unlike cemeteries where pets are banned, pets are welcome here. Just as your pet brought joy to your world it can continue to be by your side bringing life and joy to visitors through nature.

Mornington Green Legacy Gardens offers a unique final resting place steeped in nature by transforming cremated ashes into nourishing elements for memorial trees within a protected botanical garden.

Yes pre-planting is available.

By choosing your tree now, you can help relieve the financial and emotional stress for those left behind.

"Mornington Green represents a perfect solution to the conundrum of what to do with my father's (and eventually my mother's) ashes. A beautiful setting which is always pleasant to visit, with a tangible connection to the person or people memorialised"?
can we get a testimonial from this guy for planting? - Mary & Alan Walles' Flowering Cherry
We love the jacaranda tree for its beautiful flowers, and we both love water, so we chose a jacaranda tree near water. We just love the idea and the thought of living on in tree in natur
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Pre-Plant or At Need?

Tree pod burial Melbourne alternative treating with patented ash treatment in Mornington Green Legacy Gardens

Patented ash treatment formula

Ash treatment to allow your tree to thrive as a continuation of energy from ashes.

Add multiple ashes to 1 Living Legacy Tree

Multiple ashes can go into the same tree over time to create a living family tree. You can also include pets ashes in your chosen tree.
Tree pod burial Australia alternative in Melbourne Mornington Green Legacy Gardens

Personalized Memorial Plaque

Custom bronze memorial plaque to leave a message and further memorialise loved ones when the time comes.

Ongoing Care and Protection

Care of your tree and maintenance of the gardens in perpetuity. Whether you choose to pre-plant your tree now. 

How other's feel after planting their Living Legacy Tree at Mornington Green


Everything You Need to Know about Legacy Trees

Download our PDF Brochure and discover the perfect tree, what’s included, how to create a legacy, soil science and more.

Everything You Need to Know about Legacy Trees

Ash Infusions: Up to 8 infusions

Size : Extra Large

Colours : Lilac

Season : Summer

Lifespan : 80+ Years

  • Ash treatment to allow your tree to thrive as a continuation of energy from ashes
  • Multiple ashes can go into the same tree over time to create a living family tree
  • Custom bronze memorial plaquE
  • Your chosen tree in your chosen location
  • Care of your tree and maintenance of the gardens in perpetuitY
  • Memorial ceremony & life celebration with catering for the first 15 guests
price from $7000
Payment Plan options available. No ongoing fees or hidden charges.

Wise, idealistic and lucky, Jacarandas display clusters of delicate purple bell-shaped flowers during the late summer. A great tree to plant in memory of someone known for a love of the colour purple.  

Origin: South America   

Maintenance: Jacarandas should be shielded from strong wind. They are mostly tolerant to drought, however they do benefit from regular watering during summer. 

Does it Bear Fruit: Jacaranda trees are poisonous and none of the tree, including its fruit, should be consumed.

“The Jacaranda symbolizes wisdom and good fortune. Native to South America, it was appropriately given the name “jacaranda” which means fragr ant in the Guarani language. The purple bell – shaped flowers that form in dense terminal clusters bloom during the late summer, attracting birds and bees. The Jacaranda’s twice pinnately green leaves turn a brilliant yellow in the autumn, providing onlooker s with beauty throughout the year. “

April 19 to May 20 – Taurus

  • You can choose a tree that flowers on a significant date like Mother’s Day or your birthday so your tree gifts your loved ones flowers on your birthday.

Grows 10-15 metres

0.378 Tons of carbon sequestere after matured

People often choose Mornington Green over traditional cemeteries or urn memorials for its eco-friendly approach and the opportunity to create a growing, living memorial in a beautiful, welcoming environment that celebrates life and contributes positively to the earth.

  • Cheaper than traditional resting places
  • No hidden or ongoing costs
  • Creates a positive environmental impact
  • 365 days a year access to the gardens
  • Gives your family a place to connect to something beautiful in your memory
  • Unlike cemeteries where pets are banned, pets are welcome here. Just as your pet brought joy to your world it can continue to be by your side bringing life and joy to visitors through nature.

Mornington Green Legacy Gardens offers a unique final resting place steeped in nature by transforming cremated ashes into nourishing elements for memorial trees within a protected botanical garden.

Yes pre-planting is available.

By choosing your tree now, you can help relieve the financial and emotional stress for those left behind.