Become A Living Legacy Tree, Live On Forever
Here we will explain what is a memorial tree in Australia so you can transform the ashes of your loved ones into Living Legacy Trees that create lasting connections.
Stay Connected Forever With Your Family
What is A Living Legacy Memorial Tree In Australia?
A Living Legacy Tree is a tree planted in soil that has been infused with the treated ashes of a deceased person or pet. The ashes are treated using the patented Living Legacy liquid to neutralize their pH and salt levels – known to cause trees harm.* Instead, the ashes become an incredible nutrient for growing trees, transforming death into life by means of nature.
Our partner, Living Legacy, has perfected the treatment of ashes to create living molecules so a person’s energy can live on through a tree while supporting it to grow healthily. Industry leaders including the Greater Metropolitan Cemeteries Trust (GMCT), Northern Cemeteries in NSW, City of Brisbane, Tobin Brothers and Chapter House have all adopted Living Legacy as the best practice standard for a sustainable memorial.

Why Choose A Living Legacy Tree?
Living Legacy Tree

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How Living Legacy Tree Works

Choose Your Tree
Select a tree that reflects your loved one's spirit.

We Treat The Ashes
Our patented liquid and process transforms ashes into life-giving tree nutrients such as nitrogen and potassium.

Plant Your Legacy Tree
You can plant by your own Living Legacy Tree of your loved one with a beautiful tailored ceremony.

Nurture and Grow
Gather with your family, enjoy picnics, stroll through the flowering gardens and visit often to witness your loved one’s Legacy Tree flourish, providing comfort for your family for generations.
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Types Of Legacy Trees You Can Plant

Heartfelt Stories Of Legacy Planters

Ready to create a living tribute that honours your loved one and gives back to the earth?

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