Tree To Plant For Lost Loved One: Creating Living Memorials
Planting a memorial tree offers a beautiful, living tribute that provides comfort and a lasting legacy for your grandchildren. At Mornington Green Legacy Gardens, we offer a variety of trees suitable for this purpose. Here you can choose various tree to plant for lost loved one. In this article, we’ll explore for you three of the most popular choices in Australia, these are just examples of the many options available at Mornington Green for creating a living memorial.
1. Flame Tree (Illawarra Flame Tree)
Origin: Australia Average height: 10-14mThe Illawarra Flame Tree is a striking native Australian species that captures attention with its vibrant red leaves.
Key Insights:
Symbolism: Charisma, passion, and striking colours
Unique feature: Fiery-red bell-shaped flowers in early summer
Wildlife benefit: Attracts small birds and butterflies
“Charismatic and passionate, the Illawarra Flame Tree displays fiery-red bell-shaped flowers during the early Summer.”
– Mornington Green
2. Flowering Gum
Origin: Australia Key feature: Bright red or yellow flowers throughout summerThe Flowering Gum, a type of Eucalyptus, embodies the Australian landscape.
Key Insights:
Symbolism: Ambition and strength
Cultural significance: Represents the iconic “home among the gum trees” feeling
Ecological value: Creates habitat for animals
“Ambitious and strong, the Red Flowering Gum provides an intense show of red flowers that bloom throughout the Summer.”
– Mornington Green
3. Cherry Blossom
Origin: Japan Average height: 6-12mWhile not native to Australia, Cherry Blossoms have become a popular choice for their breathtaking beauty and profound symbolism.
Key Insights:
Symbolism: Beauty and renewal
Aesthetic appeal: Captivating double-pink flowers in spring
Cultural impact: Often the subject of viewing pilgrimages during spring season
“Beautiful and optimistic, the quintessential Cherry Blossom captivates their admirers in the springtime with its blossoming double-pink flowers.”
At Mornington Green Legacy Gardens, we offer a unique approach to memorial trees. Our patented ash treatment process, developed in partnership with Living Legacy Forest, transforms cremated remains into nutrients that nourish the tree.
Key benefits of our memorial trees:
Eco-friendly: Offset your carbon footprint (especially your loved ones cremation carbon footprint) and contributes to a sustainable landscape
Long-lasting tribute: Trees are protected in perpetuity by our staff in Mornington Green
Turns grief into connection: Provides a beautiful space for your families and close ones to visit and connect, enjoying time together under the tree
“Becoming a tree when you die lets you create a legacy that lives on… It’s The Circle of Life”
– Warren Roberts, Founder of Living Legacy Forest
When choosing a memorial tree to plant for lost loved one, consider not just its symbolism, but also how it reflects your loved one’s personality and values. Our team at Mornington Green is here to guide you through this meaningful process, helping you create a living tribute that will grow and flourish for generations to come.By planting a memorial tree, you’re not just remembering a life; you’re nurturing new life and creating a lasting, positive impact on the world. It’s a beautiful way to ensure that your loved one’s memory continues to grow, flourish, and inspire for years to come.
Remember, planning ahead can significantly reduce stress and financial burden on your family. Consider discussing your preferences with loved ones and you can explore pre-planning options with us here!