Mornington Green Blog
Cremation or burial: How to decide what option is right for you
Death is a natural part of life that all of us will have to face at some point. So, when we do pass away, it is important that our loved ones know that everything’s been taken care of so that they can focus on what’s important — celebrating the life we had. Our team loves making a positive impact on the planet, but we also love helping people like you make the right decision that’s best for their families (even if that decision isn’t us).
What is the difference between Mornington Green and a traditional burial?
What is the difference between Mornington Green and a traditional burial? Amongst environmental benefits such as restoring eco systems, Mornington Green is a place for people to connect to the flower that their loved ones created. Learn more with Warren.
The Cost of Cremation in Australia
When one dies, one can choose to be buried in the ground or at sea. But as time goes on, more and more Australians are choosing cremation. Of the 128,500 Australians who die each year, around 70% of those are choosing cremation — a number that is rising by 0.5% each year.
How Mornington Green Aims to Solve the Burial Space Depletion Crisis
In this video, Mornington Green’s Founder, Warren Roberts, explains the burial space depletion crisis, outlining how it began and the steps Mornington Green are taking to combat the issue.
A Guide To Pre-Planning Your Funeral
Funeral pre-planning sounds like a horrible thing to do. You may be young and healthy and find the idea odd and unnecessary. But trust us, it’s the most responsible and caring thing you can do for your loved ones regardless of your age.
What are Living Legacy Forests?
“Our mission is to connect people to beauty that life creates by planting living memorial forests which honour and perpetuate life. We provide the highest calibre of memorial experience with world-class soil science and biotechnology that sustains life.”
In this video, Warren Roberts explains what drove him to develop the Living Legacy formula used on trees at Mornington Green.
Allan for Breakfast, Triple M Interview
Allan Aldworth interviews Warren Roberts about the process of infusing ashes into a tree after cremation utilised at Mornington Green.
The Project, Studio 10 Interview
“When a loved one dies, scattering their ashes can be much harder than people realise. But one Australian company has come up with a unique idea that allows their legacy to grow old with you.”
In this interview with The Project, Studio 10, Warren discusses the unique process of treating human ashes used at Mornington Green.
What Type of Tree to Plant in Memory of Someone?
When choosing what type of tree to plant in memory of someone, picking a tree that blooms on their birthday may be a great idea. We put together a list of trees that bloom during each season, month and astrological sign.
Leeanne and Stephanie’s Experience with Mornington Green
Stephanie and Leeane take comfort in knowing that Arnold’s final resting place as a Legacy Tree giving out oxygen is quite poetic in nature, as he suffered from not having enough oxygen while living with emphysema.
Michael’s Experience with Mornington Green
After hearing about Mornington Green in his morning newspaper, Michael instantly knew it was the perfect resting place for his late wife Helen, as he could eventually join her and be together always.
What is it like to have a funeral during a pandemic?
Lots of Victorians personally experienced a limit on the number of funeral attendees in 2020-2021 due to Covid-19.
What is it like to have a restricted funeral in a pandemic?